Put this in the context of a breastfed baby, having flexible, frequent and uninterrupted opportunities to breastfeed skin to skin as much as they want, and maybe more than they usually would!
Reasons I would encourage a breastfeeding buffet:
• Night 2 with your newborn! These babies are cleverly asking your body to produce the amount of milk needed for them to thrive! Open the buffet!
• Concerns about milk supply or baby weight
• Baby has difficulty latching or maintaining a feed
• Breast refusal or baby becoming increasingly fussy at the breast
• After any surgical or medical intervention (for baby) because breastfeeding and skin to skin has an analgesic effect.
• Witching hours to help baby suckle and have skin to skin as a way of ‘dialling them back down’ (remember, this is how they process the information their brain received throughout their whole day!)
• Cluster feeding - to speed up the process of baby placing their big order for future milk supply!