holistic advice and consultation with an IBCLC midwife who understands babies, biology and breastfeeding.
Central Coast | Sydney | Virtual
Consultations for Before your sweet Baby Arrives.
Consultations after baby is in your arms.
Hi, I’m Harriet.
I’ve been where you are.
I’ve needed breastfeeding support that thinks outside the box.
I’ve needed sleep advice that wasn’t sleep training or went against my instincts to breastfeed my baby to sleep.
I’m filling these gaps for families where their intuition is telling them to look a bit deeper. Helping them understand their baby’s instincts just that little bit more…
Antenatal Consultations + Plans
Education Packages:
Pregnancy, birth, postpartum, newborn care and Breastfeeding education.
Postpartum, newborn care and breastfeeding education.
Tens Machine hire for labour and birth available here
Phone consultations available to chat all things labour, birth, breastfeeding and babies!
IBCLC Internationally Board Certified Lactation Consultant
Breastfeeding consultations:
Antenatal Consultation + Plan
Breastfeeding Education
Pumping & Bottlefeeding Support & Education
IBCLC Breastfeeding Consultations
Sleep Consultations (no sleep training here!)
In home support for new parents on the Central Coast
Phone consultations:
Gentle, honest, holistic sleep support for families, that is not sleep training. Looking at infant sleep through a holistic lens we can explore your unique situation and I make recommendations based on your individual needs.
Comprehensive Sleep Consult + 2 weeks support (in person or virtual)
Short Virtual or phone Consultations for those that need just a quick question answered or a confidence boost!
tiv Developmental Care trained (Possums)
Home visiting services provided all over the Central Coast or find me in Sydney at Motherhood Matters in Middle Cove.
Spectra Breast Pumps available through my online store - free local pickup available.
IBCLC Lactation Consultant.
Child + Family Health.
Baby Sleep.
Shop for Mastitis Help
Our E-Guide provides up-to-date education, first line therapeutic techniques and a pathway to follow.
Products to help you manage your symptoms
Unsure of the reason you have mastitis symptoms?
Not sure how to tackle it?
Consider booking a Virtual Short Consultation with Harriet to assess and address the root cause while finding the best way to treat your symptoms.